Chères toutes, chers tous,
Vous trouverez ici l'annonce de la parution des Mélanges parus chez Brill en l'honneur de Pierre Larcher:
volume includes the reflections of leading researchers on Arabic and
Semitic languages, also understood as systems and representations. The
work first deals with Biblical Hebrew, Early Aramaic, Afroasiatic and
Semitic. Its core focuses on morpho-syntactic, semantic, pragmatic,
rhetoric and logic matters, showing Arabic grammar’s place within the
system of the sciences of language. In the second part, authors deal
with lexical issues, before they explore dialectology. The last stop is a
reflection on how Arabic linguistics may prevent the understanding of
the Arabs’ own grammatical theory and the teaching and learning of
En savoir plus sur l’ouvrage sur le site de Brill
Voici le lien vers la 4ème de couverture
Marie Varin,
Vice-présidente de l'AFDA.